SMART Coworking Andorra

Business domiciliation and flexible workspaces to drive your business forward

Coworking and Offices in Andorra

SMART Coworking és el primer centre de negocis i coworking premium d’Andorra. Més de 1600 m² d’espai modern a disposició de les empreses locals i empreses d’arreu del món.

Situats a 200 metres de totes les principals institucions governamentals així com del Comú d’Andorra la Vella podem oferir als nostres llogaters la comoditat d’estar en una ubicació perfecta per als seus projectes empresarials.

Feu créixer la vostra empresa al nostre espai de coworking des del principi. Amb més espai i empleats necessaris, podeu passar de la nostra àrea de coworking a les nostres oficines privades. Atenem a petits emprenedors fins a mitjanes empreses.

Natural environment

Descobreix els nostres moderns locals que compleixen tots els requisits per establir la teva empresa a Andorra.

Each office has their own electrical and phone connection to allow you the maximum flexibility and security while meeting the substance requirements of the local authorities.

Pots triar entre la nostra moderna àrea de coworking o una oficina privada. Feu créixer el vostre negoci amb SMART des d’un projecte a una empresa amb múltiples oficines i empleats. Podem ajudar amb totes les mides.

Conference facilities

Descobreix els nostres moderns locals que compleixen tots els requisits per establir la teva empresa a Andorra.

SMART Coworking a Andorra la Vella et pot proporcionar sales de conferències i qualsevol esdeveniment o logística de reunions que necessitis.


Escriptoris dedicats




Superfície de metres quadrats


Sales de Conferències

Coworking intel·ligent sobre

Característiques de
el nostre centre

El nostre centre està totalment equipat per donar cabuda a les necessitats del vostre negoci i dels possibles clients i visitants. Diverses opcions, des de solucions de coworking obertes amb escriptoris calents i dedicats fins a oficines privades.

  • Local staff in business center
    Our center has staff on the ground during the day to process your mail and any secretarial services you may need.
  • Government in walking distance
    All government and municipal institutions are in walking distance from our center.
  • 24/7 security
    Access control on the weekend and alarm systems with video surveillance guarantee you safety and weekend access.
  • Parking spaces nearby
    Several thousand parking spaces are available within 300m walking distance at Plaça del Poble.
  • Cafeteria
    We provide a small cafeteria with vending machines and coffee machine for you and your visitors.
  • Quiet working spaces
    Our offices are sound insulated in the walls and ceiling so that you have sufficient privacy and may enjoy a quiet working environment.

Office types available

Large type 1

Large office with 2 desks face-to-face

This office is meant for one to two persons working in a large office with exterior views to the Av. Princep Benlloch and plenty of sunshine. These units are also equipped with an air condition. Units are available furnished or without furniture. Vinyl decoration on the wall is optional and at extra charge.


Large type 2

Large office with 2 desks side by side

This office is meant for one to two persons working in a large office with exterior views to the Av. Princep Benlloch and plenty of sunshine. These units are also equipped with an air condition. Units are available furnished or without furniture. Vinyl decoration on the wall is optional and at extra charge.


Large type 3

Large office with 1 desk + small meeting table

This office is meant for one person working in a large office with exterior views to the Av. Princep Benlloch and plenty of sunshine. A meeting table may be put into the same office.

These units are also equipped with an air condition. Units are available furnished or without furniture. Vinyl decoration on the wall is optional and at extra charge.


Medium type

Medium Office - 1 working space

This medium size office type has one working space and windows towards the back of the building.

Units are available furnished or without furniture. Vinyl decoration on the wall is optional and at extra charge.


Small type

Small office with 1 desk

This office is meant for one person working in a small office as economy solution. Each unit has an interior window covered with privacy vinyl.

Units are available furnished or without furniture. Vinyl decoration on the wall is optional and at extra charge.


Entire floor 2

Entire center - floor 2

The second floor of our center in Princep Benlloch has over 32 units and 2 conference rooms available for your meetings and business visits. Further our center is offering a cafeteria with vending and coffee machines.


Entire floor 1

Entire floor 1

The first floor of our center in Princep Benlloch has over 16 units and 1 conference room available for your meetings and business visits. Further our center is offering a coffee machine.



This space offers different workstations in the open space and three private offices. In addition, the coworking offers a lounge area with sofas and a coffee machine.


What our Visitors Say

Nullam orci dui, dictum et magna sollicitudin, tempor blandit erat. Maecenas suscipit tellus sit amet augue placerat fringilla a id lacus. Morbi viverra volutpat ex, id pellentesque felis volutpat eu. Etiam mattis laoreet leo sed accumsan. Fusce tincidunt in leo lacinia condimentum.

Patric Stone

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi viverra volutpat ex, id pellentesque felis volutpat eu. Nullam facilisis at turpis eu faucibus. In dignissim, enim eu ornare aliquet, metus ex tempor neque, sit amet efficitur turpis lorem et odio.

Hugo James

Morbi viverra volutpat ex, id pellentesque felis volutpat eu. Duis et tellus imperdiet, lacinia risus id, tincidunt ipsum. Integer euismod elit vel nibh commodo, at consequat nisl rhoncus. Etiam mattis laoreet leo sed accumsan. Aliquam tempor lorem odio, non aliquam nunc egestas in.

Stefanie Rashford

Nullam orci dui, dictum et magna sollicitudin, tempor blandit erat. Maecenas suscipit tellus sit amet augue placerat fringilla a id lacus. Fusce tincidunt in leo lacinia condimentum. Donec placerat, orci vel consequat mattis, sapien lacus pretium mi, sed lacinia dolor nibh non mi.

Anastasia Stone

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam facilisis at turpis eu faucibus. In dignissim, enim eu ornare aliquet, metus ex tempor neque, sit amet efficitur turpis lorem et odio.

Patricia James
Company Owner

SMART Coworking és el primer centre de negocis i coworking premium d’Andorra. Més de 1600 m² d’espai modern a disposició de les empreses locals i empreses d’arreu del món. Situats a 200 metres de totes les principals institucions governamentals així com del Comú d’Andorra la Vella podem oferir als nostres llogaters la comoditat d’estar en una ubicació perfecta per als seus projectes empresarials.

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